Birthday girl!

Miss me? I bet ;) The last few weeks, I've been mostly working on one single large project, which is taking up most of my crafting time. Very little 'finished' projects to blog about, as a result!
But yesterday was such a fun day that it deserves a loooong looong post, to make up for the month-long absence!

It was my birthday yesterday. I'm a double 19 now, joy joy, and especially for me, the great people at Second Events organized a Yarn Fair, the Breidag. Well, maybe not especially for me, but still, it was a great way to spend my birthday!
The few days before the fair, I was busy busy busy as well... I had promised that everyone who'd come over to congratulate me would get a cupcake. And eh... I don't know if you know how many members Ravelry has in the Netherlands, but let's say I was glad I didn't invite them all over to my house, haha...
While I was at it, I also baked 'a few' cupcakes for the spinning group on Thursday and to put in the fridge for today (my mom, sister and family have just left...). Again, I was very happy with Kenny the kitchen machine and my trusted oven... They did most of the work for me. Oh, and the nice people at Primrose Bakery who think up yummy recipes for cake!
This is what I had in the cold room to take with me...
Four boxes of cupcakes, half decorated and half suitable for the less sugar-loving party guests, and a bag full of fleece for a friend. I also dived into my stash to see if there were any yarns I was willing to trade or donate...
After a speedy and fun journey with @joyceloraine, we arrived in Nieuwegein on time, so that we could have a look around before our 'duties' started. We were both going to help out at the stand of Wereldwol, and I also had offered to be a Pattern Doctor, although I did more chatting than doctoring...
Chatting a lot with all those Ravelry and yarn addicts, such as Aal and Sokkenmuis opposite me in the picture... Thank you all for the well-wishes, ooh's and aah's at my 'secret project', my dress, my heels, my shawl... I just smiled and skipped around like a spring lamb all day :D
At the Wereldwol stand, we had book signings by Ysolda, the extremely talented knitwear designer from Scotland. I even got here third booklet, Whimsical Little Knits, as a gift. And that was not the only thing I got. My Ravelry swap friend Jackye 'jumped' me with two bags of fabric...
These will definitely be turned into lovely project bags, bigger bags and other fun items! Thanks so much! She and her hubby also gave me purple BFL to spin with. And I also got some merino/silk spinning wool from Ravelry friend Axioma, and a free pattern book from another talented, Dutch designer, Marleen v.d. Voorst.
I went around the fair a few times to just look at things, fondle yarn and, of course, buy some 'necessary' items...
This was what I arrived home with...
Needles, a round knitting loom, a single thick knitting needle for 'broomstick knitting', a guimpe hooking implement (what IS that called in English???), KnitPro circular needles, eyes in three colours for cuddly toys, Auracania yarn, a Dutch Wool Diva 'cake' of roving, and cocoons. AND A BAG. YES, A BAG. I resisted, and resisted, and on Friday night could resist no more and ordered a lime Namaste Monroe. Happy happy!
The vegetarian cook book and cuddly toy knitting book were gifts from hubby and kids. They know me so well :D
Now, I'm chilling and still smiling because of the fun I had yesterday and today. And guess what, my feet ARE sore...


Aal said…
Zo'n verjaardag wil ik ook! Volgend jaar de breidagen dus maar op 29 en 30 maart.... :)
Ammerins said…
Ik zou zeggen, laat het Marion en Janet even weten :D
Elske said…
Wat een geweldig verslag!!!
En ja, wat was het een feestje!
Mag ik er ook eentje, maar dan op 29 juli??? Of vraag ik nu Ă©cht te veel??
O ja, en herinner je je nog mij twijfel over de rode tas? Die stond dus inderdaad , maar dan in het paars, bij mij thuis. Gister maar meteen in gebruik genomen!
MoniqueB. said…
Absolutely Fabulous day! Wat heerlijk dat het zo gezellig en ontspannen was.

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