I was never gonna...

Honestly, forced I was!

There was no free will involved here at all. No bidding by myself on Marktplaats on a small-ish (table) loom, no jealous looks whenever I was over at Giny's place for spinning group, who has a beautiful loom in her living room...
Really, I couldn't help buying it... A 4-shaft, 70 cm loom, to try and see if weaving is for me...

After watching a YouTube video on warps and wefts (once) and putting my thumb up in the air to calculate where to pull the threads through the heddle, I got weaving...

As just starting wasn't difficult enough, I decided on doing herringbone instead of linen stitch. Using a cheap sock yarn (losing quite a few on the sides on the way, as they just rubbed and rubbed and then broke), with my lovely Borealis handspun yarn.

A small scarf, or something to wrap around my hair. Looking good...

And because it's a 30% silk blend, the shimmer is soooo nice!
But look, looms are worse than rabbits...

Blink and there's two in your house... The one on the left is 'a bit' bigger, with smaller shaft handles, and on loan. As soon as I've got the right screws for it, I'll be setting this one up. Where, I have no idea... ;)


MoniqueB. said…
And, there she goes!!!

Isn't it gorgeous?? Ik sta versteld van je. Bewonder het dat je er helemaal voor gaat!
yvonnep said…
Wat een mooi resultaat!
Elske said…
Zet die getouwen nu niet zo dicht bij elkaar!!!!
Je weet wat rabbits doen als ze zo dicht bij elkaar zijn ;-))
Ik heb overigens ook nog een groter ( Ideal van Glimakra) in de aanbieding!
Je roept maar.
Gjeani said…
ha ha, en voordat je het weet komt er een heel elftal!! zie je wel dat het verslavend is? maar je sjaaltje is heel erg leuk geworden!
Anonymous said…
Haha, wat zielig, kon je er echt niets tegen doen?

Knap om meteen zo'n mooi weefsel te produceren. Heel mooi.

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