Tour de Fleece - stages 4, 5 and 6

And then it was Saturday! How time flies... Yes, I was spinning, and yes, there are collages. I was just a bit too busy to upload and write a post every day...
On Wednesday, July 4, I spun another load of Gotland curls. So soft and nice to spin with!

The two batches were plied, washed and dried on Thursday, just in time before the heavens opened...

And yesterday, I spoiled myself and spun some colour... As I'm translating a veggie BBQ book, we decided to fire up the barbie. I marinaded some veggies, hubby got out some meat for the Mo/asses and we all had a great evening. Spinning wheel whirring, we patiently waited until everything was done... Especially the BBQ'd pineapple was lovely!

Today is more spinning, and a bit of knitting...  Plus lots of enjoying the lovely weather outside!


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