Shetland Sunday Yeah!

And then it was done... There was some frantic action this last week... First, I stee-eeeeeeeked! It was actually not as scary as I thought. I just took my scissors and cut open the cleavage...

And tadaa... After picking up a gazillion stitches along the neckline...

Then it was time to finish this baby off... It's weird to knit a 'winter' sweater, when it's nearly 30C outside...

The sweater likes lying about in the sun too...

And then it's time for a soak and some more sun...

Lots of waiting... more waiting... and more waiting... And then: the big reveal!


I have the cleavage to pull this off, apparently ;) And my hips don't look half bad either. Happy happy!!! I'm ready for Shetland, baby!

Now, off to find another project... Thankfully, a little dragon baby was born in Austria... Guess what I'll be knitting...


Elske said…
Prachtig, geweldig, ongelofelijk en meer van dat soort kreten vanuit Arnhem!
Showen op de bestuursvergadering dus.
MoniqueB. said…
Let's go! Shetland here we come!

(when you will be wearing thát, who will look at me?? hihi).

Al het werk wat je er in hebt gestopt is het waard: wat is ie mooi! Kriebelt hij ook?
Ook leuk met een bloesje er onder!
Anonymous said…
Wat mooi geworden!

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