What, more Shetland?

The fun just doesn't end... With the help of a Drops pattern, different combinations of the yarn for my sweater and a few evenings of knitting, my head will be warm in Shetland...

I cast on during election night, and the following evening, with (most of) the results in, progress was fast and furious... 

It's great fun seeing a wee hat like this grow... The colour combinations really work for me.

Especially the star! The puffins will have fun pooping on that!

So, if you see this mop of hair, a shiny nose and massive grin under a hat running around, it's me!

Some fingerless gloves are in the works... And also this... It almost feels like I'm knitting with guinea pig hair... Any idea what it will be??? 


Anonymous said…
Leuk hé, met meer kleuren breien. Je muts is prachtig geworden hoor.
MoniqueB. said…
je bent zĂł snel! Een prachtige muts. Vooral zometeen met het rode haar er onder uit! ;-)

Let's go!

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