Gizmo galore

I have a thing for gizmo's. Especially when it comes to crafting, everything seems to have a 'YOU NEED THIS' label. And as soon as someone shows me, I'm done for. Hook line and sinker. Sold. Give. Me. That.

As a result, various gizmo's have entered the Frisian Frillies household over the last few months. First, there was the WooLee Winder, which I bought myself for Xmas, from my library money. The joy it has brought me is immense. I can spin for hours on end, without even blinking or looking at my bobbin.

This is baby camel and silk. Flying onto the bobbin. The WooLee Winder I got comes from De Spinners in Den Haag, and it arrived in a box with 3 bobbins. Enough to do spinning and plying. Me happy.

The flyer and bobbin are connected with sprogs, which run a level-wind mechanism, moving the loop up and down the bobbin. Genius.

And then a few weeks ago, I fell for this beauty. A blending board. I had read about using one of these in Spin-Off, remembered that that would be a great little gadget to have, but I didn't have the time to get carding cloth and board to make one. Then Woolness had a special offer on the boards. Cannot. Resist. Checked my Xmas account, still enough in it. FOR ME!

Mermaid also thinks it's great fun. Gather roving in different colours, some glitter, and off you go...

 And while we were rolaging along... a shop idea was born... Well, basically, the idea had been there for a while, but it just materialized in our heads while doing this...

Because, it's great having all these lovely rolls, but there's no way I can spin them up all by myself... Especially when I'm continuously rolling more...

Don't they just look so sweet from the side? Those peepholes... So cute!

And talking about cute... More gizmo's arrived yesterday, although it was a gifted one, not bought. And old, not new.

Meet Rapunzel. Rapunzel came to us via a mom at school, who got her from an inheritance. Almost everyone seems to know now that i"m the crazy one with the spinning wheels. Who obviously needs more of them.

And she spins beautifully!!!

After a quick clean, removing the old horrible greasy yarn from the bobbins and replacing the two threads with a figure 8 double-drive string, she's singing again.

Today was busy, all week was busy, but tonight there's wine, knitting and spinning. Bliss.

And preparing for tomorrow, when I'll be at the Handwerkbeurs in Zwolle. Buying lots of roving and lovely wool and crazy fibres to make more rolags...


MoniqueB. said…
een vakvrouw heeft gewoon alle tools nodig om te kunnen functioneren! toch?
lilirious said…
<3 <3 <3

die rolags zijn echt cute!! :)
Wat leuk om je te lezen! Vanuit het Drentse een groet van Madelief.

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