Yes, there was lots of knitting and spinning too...

Besides being extremely busy setting up a knitting café and spinning group, organizing and writing material for a crochet workshop in 2 months time, there was lots of crafting as well. Because, what is a better way to unwind after a busy day?
We've had lots of snow and ice - even though it only lasted for a week or 2 - which meant that Batmans growing head needed a new hat. I was lucky enough that Mermaids mittens from last year fit him, and that the scarf was still nice and comfy, so just a hat! And I had just the right stuff for it: lovely Dutch Wool Diva Donegal Nep. Sooo soft and great to knit with.

Yes, I will stand still just long enough for you to take one crappy picture... ;) Okay, two then...

Hubby also needed a hat. So, here's homespun Texelaar knit up into a VERY WARM HAT! ;) Great for outdoor garden work.

That was not the only yarn I knit up. I also knit up the variegated pink sock yarn I got from her at Midwinterwol. Made my own pattern, sort of inspired by the Anastasia sock pattern, but then different... Spiral socks, both in the same direction. Only 60 stitches, as the holes make the socks stretchy enough.

And then, the long-awaited spinning group! We had great fun, even though there was only 6 of us in the end. Half the country seemed to have contracted Noro or flue, but we had fun nonetheless. Plus, there was more blondies and cookies for us all :D

Our novice spinners did great! Monique and Judith, keep up the good work!
Our next spinning evening is on February 7, in the local community centre. Just so we have a bit more room to swing our spindles around in!

Aaaand there was lots lots lots of spinning! And I got a small photo studio, which I'm practicing with. So here, the first victims!

World of Wool fractal spun rainbow roving (merino).

World of Wool variegated orange roving (merino).

World of Wool variegated purple roving (merino).

And virginal white merino/nylon, for socks. It's so virginal, I almost don't dare dye it... Shall I?

I'm also spindling my Shetland roving, knitting two pairs of socks, working on hat for Asia number eh... 6, and doing lots of Lego building. Plus the garden is calling... We've got a few square meters set up, the wood chip for the paths should arrive this week and a quote for soil and sand is in the post... busy busy!!!


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