
After receiving a free wheel from a mom at school, I found Gloria in a thrift shop superstore last week.

She's a Wernekinck Gouda, I've heard from reliable sources.
The only thing wrong with her was a loose foot peddle. And that was easily sorted. She is getting on well with Rapunzel! They are exchanging some exciting spinning stories at the moment...

Me and Gloria are still trying to figure each other out. She's a puller, and I'm a low-pull girl, so let me say that we haven't really 'found' each other yet... There will be a few more days of testing the waters, but if I'm not happy with how it's going, she'll be coming to Westerlee with me on Sunday with a For Sale-sign...

The reason I am thinking about selling Gloria on is this: I'm getting a Woolmakers Bliss! This is so exciting! I get to test a brand-new type of spinning wheel, together with another dozen lucky bunnies, all around the world. My Bliss is in the post at the moment, so more news on that front soon...

I've been carding my heart out last weekend. After scouring and dyeing some Frisian milking sheep, the new XL drum carder was put into motion...

These lovely colours, plus a super nice yellow, are available in the Peeriewinkle Etsy store!


MoniqueB. said…
Prachtig! Mooie dingen komen naar je toe.
De kaardemolen draait overuren, of gaat het juist sneller?
Judith said…
Wow, bofkont!! Veel plezier ermee!!
Ammerins said…
Nathalie, Rapunzel was gifted by a mom at school, and Gloria - whome I've made up with ;) - came from Drachten, Hart van Friesland. They have wheels quite often!

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