And into Autumn....

I blinked a few times, flew to Ireland and back, had the odd adventure en route and there you have it: wind, rain, falling leaves... We're slowly slipping into Autumn. Time for hot chocolate, soup and spinning.
But not before a short recap of the spinning Summer!
I did continue with the Tour de Fleece while we were on holiday in Ireland. Spinning on the beach: yes, it can be done! It does get you some weird looks, but also lots of admiring smiles.
It didn't go very fast though...





Derry Peace Bridge

Derry Peace Garden

Derry Craft Village (not me, these were the girls from Knitfield)




I even managed to get some fibre-related visits in. How can you go to Ireland/Northern Ireland and nĂłt see any linen or flax?
The Linen Museum in Lisburn didn't disappoint. Bijoux, but very complete. The big weaving looms were impressive! Staff was on hand to explain all about flax spinning and the weaving process (e.g. damask). Unfortunately, they have a no-photography rule, so, no photos...
Luckily, that was not the case in New Mills. This was small, less impressive on the inside, but in beautiful surroundings.

(luckily these are dolls, not real people...)

I've been spinning like a madwoman since coming home, so more to see soon...And the National Spinning Weekend is coming up in less than a month, with workshops the week after at the Haak & Breidagen in Groningen. Enough to do!


MoniqueB. said…
ongelooflijk dat er op zo'n klein tolletje toch nog zoveel meter past! En lekker dun..

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