Spreading the love

A while ago, I joined a club. They members had one thing in common: a love for turning fibre into yarn. All the people who are members of that club (almost 500 at the moment) know: once you start, you can't stop. Ever. Worse, you turn into an evangelist, and want to let everybody you know join in the beauty that wool, fibre, yarn and everything related has to offer.

Once in a while, we meet up. We now have 2 annual meetings: one small one, which was attended by around 100 spinners last March, and one big one, always held in the first weekend of October. This year, over 230 spinners enthusiastically rsvp'ed when the first invitations were sent out. Around 100 of these spinners actually booked the entire weekend at Mennorode, in Elspeet, where we hold the annual Fall meeting. It was our 15th, so enough reasons for a big party!

As I was too busy running from here to there and back again all weekend, I got very little spinning done, and managed to only take a few pictures. We had a few photographers who did an amazing job capturing the event, the fun, togetherness and beauty of the weekend, and I want to share some of these pictures here... Thanks to Rob Kool and Ans Kriesels for the pictures. A full 'slide show' will be shown at our spring meeting!

But to come back to the evangelist thing. Earlier this year, I was asked to share my love of spindling with visitors of the Brei- and Haakdagen in Nieuwegein. When the same event was held in Groningen this weekend, again the invitation to come and give workshops was in my mailbox. This year, besides two short 45-minute workshops, I also gave a long 2.5 hour one. Plenty of time to play with spindles, wool and fibre. And plenty of time to have fun!

The next blog entry will have some links to videos and pictures of this fantastic event!


Leuk verslag, voor mij jammer dat het in het engels is, het is toch een Nederlandse groep?? Leest niet zo makkelijk weg.
MoniqueB. said…
Spread the love!

Erg jammer dat ik er niet bij kon zijn. Ik ben nog maar net lid!

En... do what you do best!

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