Six - oh wait, seven months later...

Life sometimes takes over. And because of all that living we did, the blogging moved into the background a bit. A lot!
Since the last post, we had the National Spinning Weekend in October, several cool and interesting craft shows, Xmas knitting, lots of food, an operation, birthdays, an office move and lots of work. And not enough hours in the day to do it all!
Around Christmas, I had my Amigurumi phase... After an accidental visit to Haak Smakelijk, leaving with lots of cotton and the Winter Wonderland book, there was no stopping me!

I crocheted Xmas hangers and decorations for around the house, and a Batman for Sinterklaas (a blue and grey one has been ordered by the recipient...).
And then I stopped crocheting as suddenly as I started :)

On a whim, I knit a massive Xmas jumper for Mermaid which she'll probably still be able to fit in 5 years' time... With lots of Rudolphs and red noses - in 1 day!

I fixed socks, pants, mittens and lots of other things with holes. Preferably according to the 'visible mending' method, hipped by TomofHolland (I knew I was way hip!)... And oh, the picture on the right is of my thumb, haha, just in case you're wondering.

I worked on my TKGA Master Knitter course a bit... (swatches are nearly done! - the writing up has hit a bit of a brick wall...)

And I rediscovered Brioche. Love it! That new Nancy Marchant book will get a lot of use! What better way to knit up homespun yarn? Squishy merino and merino/silk, yum! Great for spring, to wear during my bike ride to my new office.
And now? I'm back knitting a lacy number. In Fuchsia. There's no better therapy for a busy life than knitting. And chocolate ;) I promise not to leave the next post this long. And focus on ONE topic. A book? A project? Who knows...


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