The finished hap

While eating lunch, consisting of toast with stinky cheese and with the doors to the living room closed (let's just say the kids are less enamoured with livarot cheese than I am), time for an update on the hap! Yes, it's been done for a while and yes, I've been wearing it as well, but something with life taking over and bla bla.

Two weeks ago, we had a glorious Saturday - the first one of the year, basically - and we decided to go and do a good garden Spring clean. And while we were at it, I got out the bamboo sticks and built a frame for my hap.

The frame building was the easy bit... I then had to string up all the points of the hap. And then I saw the frame could have been a bit bigger. Ach well, next time I want it blocked a bit bigger and tighter, I'll just have to use long-sized bamboo sticks only, as I was a bit limited to the length of the shorter ones this time.  

But it did the job! I rested it against the clothes line, where it would not be in the way and no chickens could poop on it.

This is Gloria, one of our notorious poopers, who was really keen on helping me in the garden, as she quickly realised that I was the one bringing big worms to the surface.

Helloooo mommy! Anything I can help you with? Silly chicken...

Later on in the day, I just marvelled at how nicely the setting sun was shining through the hap. 

Even though it feels dense and warm, you can easily see that it is actually full of light and air.

And also fun to see the subtle differences in colour in the brown centre, and the differences in thickness while spinning and plying...

Despite the soak in Soak, it still smells of sheep, just enough and not too much. And even though it is not soft as camel or baby merino, it is soft enough - and at the same time sturdy and warm enough to wear in the old-fashioned style - while gardening! Not this weekend though, even though it is absolutely LOVELY outside and I'm sitting on my hands to stop myself - I did some gardening last week and totally messed up my back... But that has its advantages too, as you will see in my next post...

which will be on Sock Madness. Yessss, it's started again!


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