Sock Madness Finalist

At the moment, I'm finishing off some translation jobs, doing some admin while watching some women's football, relaxing my fingers - insofar as that is possible while typing - because squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... I'm a Sock Madness Finalist!!! I will be representing Team MM tomorrow in the final Sock Face-Off. At 7am local time, the pattern will drop and 26 knitters will battle it out for eternal glory.

I was such a happy bunny when I finished my Round 6 socks, and also Rounds 5 and 4, which I hadn't posted here. So, a quick recap:

Round 6 was the Swirlagon socks by Kirsten Hall. A super fun and challenging knit. It consists of pentagons on the heels and varying hexagons for the rest of the sock. Using provisional cast-ons for all the hexes and ending with a tubular bind-off, these don't have any ridges on the inside - but plenty of ends to work away! Even though it took me almost 4 days to knit these, I was first of the team!

Me and the Round 5 socks did not really get along... A lovely pattern, Kanjer by Heatherly Walker, but I kept making mistakes, they are just a bit too bulky for my liking, the heel is too pointy and I ran out of yarn as well... These may be destined for the frog heap... But still, an enjoyable knit with a challenging pattern.

Round 4 was Canon by Caoua Coffee. The yarn is maybe a bit too busy for the pattern, but it was a fun mix of lace and cables - and a pattern that kept moving every few rows. Definitely one that required a clear head!

My pile to date:

One more sock to go... Drum roll....


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