I love Kenny!

Even though I had promised to do it earlier, only today did I find the time to do some blocking. I had also finished my Drops top, so both my Saskia and top went into a little bath and then outside under a towel (in the case of the top) and onto the bed, stuck down with pins to keep it in shape (in case of the shawl). The top came out great. It fits nicely (even though knits can sometimes look huge!) and I love the neckline with the ruffle, which gives just a little (ahum) boost to my bust. And boy, do I look slim! (Yes yes, I know, still several pounds to go, but the 70kg mark is drawing nigh... - don't look at the mess in our hallway...) Pattern: Yoke top Yarn: Drops Alpaca, both single and double thread. Needles: 4 and 5 mm, knit in the round. Size: I knit size L, and probably would have gotten away with a size M. I also realize I don't like knitting this much stockinette, but the promise of the yoke kept me going :) I did not use as much yarn as indicated, so I will ...