Today I saw...

A boy who can draw. He was never interested in drawing. The best we could get out of him was scratches all over a piece of paper. And then all of a sudden, it clicked, and we were treated to this. Drawing number 1, still a bit tentative, but definitely a Batman with long wings/arms and two ears: And then the floodgates opened, here is granny, sporting here new post-chemo short cropped hair (which, according to our wee man, should be red, but is now grey): A turtle: And then a picture of one of his daycare teachers who is leaving, with himself (I asked him why he only drew one eye, and he explained he drew himself in profile - 'I am drawing myself like this [he turned sideways], that is why there is only one eye') holding her hand. And of course a bright yellow sun: Our little budding artist... Just in time for school!