Some cuddly toys for cuddly babies...

Today, two little cuddlies went to their new home. Two little cuddlies I had been knitting for the last week or so. One of them had been in my queue for a while, and the other one I saw when it came out in Knitty and instantly fell in love with. They had to be sort of very special, as my group of friends has about finished with the whole baby thing - even though you wouldn't think so, with 8 babies being born over the last year!
It was great to see this little bugger being unwrapped and marvelled at - especially when the mommy found out the little man can be taken out of her shell...
Pattern: Sheldon
Yarn: Durable breikatoen nr. 8, gifted
Needles: 2.75 mm
Alterations: instead of i-cord, I crocheted around the shell, as it was a bit quicker.

Meet Pinky Sheldon, now proudly owned by Mayte, a wee girl with two big brothers who will need all the turtle power she can get to help her mommy keep the pink spirit alive!

The other little darling was a bit bigger, well, almost twice the size of Sheldon. Meet Flo:
Pattern: Flo
Yarn: a mix of some homespun red wool and cream sock yarn
Needles: 3.5 mm
Alterations: none, but I left out the embellishments around the ears and feet

Flo went to wee Yvonne, the smallest of three princesses, whose sleeping beauty's castle will from now be guarded by a big, scary (but soft and cuddly) elephant...

Two moms ordered a Sheldon, and one other mom and our Sam requested an elephant. Grey, of course. Or black and yellow, like Batman...


Aal said…
Both of them: sóóóó cute!
Mee said…
ik hou van bloot.. zélfs blote schildpadden :-)

Ik vind 'm hilarisch leuk!!!
Herma said…
Wat een lieverds!!
Jolanda said…
Oh, kom maar bij mama!
Wow! I've got my list of "to-makes" for Christmas...may have to add that elephant to the list! Cute!
Marbada said…
ze zijn super!! vooral sheldon, die had ik ook al op mijn lijstje staan.
MoniqueB. said…
Dat krijg je wanneer je zulke schattige dingen maakt; men wil méér!
Ze zijn er vast erg blij mee!

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