Tour de Fleece - day 11

More of the same yesterday, I'm afraid... Some rough sheep, dyed purple, spun and plied just before nodding off... It was a long day... Babylonia Vertalingen is busy busy busy, and add to that a kindergartner who has decided that the holidays should have started this week (we still have 6 days of school to go) and is behaving accordingly (out comes the Good Behaviour Chart again... sigh), a house that seems to get itself very dirty but refuses to clean itself and several people that need fed, watered and cleaned occasionally. Busy ;)
Today the heavens opened, which means the office has moved back indoor for now. It feels very autumnal, and I'm very tempted to make Nutella Cake in a Mug again (resistance is futile...).
My spinning from last night!
This is around 80 meters of thick n-ply rough yarn, which needs a nice soak in Woollite and will then join the other sheep yarn to knit stuffed toys. Batman has decided he wants a dinosaur, well, assuming he prefers one that is NOT purple, that means I should spin up the still white sheep and give that a colour bath later this week (or next week...).
Back to work!


Jolanda said…
Geweldige foto! Prachtige kleuren.

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