Spinning, spinning, spinning...

Only a little while to go before the Tour de Fleece starts! I know we first have lots of football to endure, but still, you can't look forward to fun things enough.
It was great success last year, I spun up quite a few miles of yarn, and to make sure I don't suffer nasty injuries - such as spinner's knee, which shouldn't be too much of a problem now I've got a two-peddle spinning wheel - I've started practicising hard and heavy...
First, I spun up 300 grams of this yummy goodness, merino with tencel, plied with lock yarn. It's called Damiane...

It is soooo unbelievably soft... I have around 800 m of this, and I'm looking for a project to make.

But first: a swatch, to see what my gauge is... Thank you very much, my yarn enabler, Dutch Wool Diva!

More yarn goodness... The roving by Pass-Partout (merino/silk) has also been spun up, as Pinky Jeans. With n-ply, it turned out at 430 m. Also looking for a project, probably a cuddly toy...

And some more merino/silk, this time in a lovely white, lavender and purple blend... This was gifted to me on  my birthday at the Breidag. I'm giving it a quick rinse and then will see how many meters it is... As I plied it last night, I was too tired to count. But, it is quite thin, I guestimate around 700/800 m...

This means my stash is dwindling... Time to turn some of the fleece I got at spin group last month (Fries Melkschaap and Texelaar) into small batts... This is before carding... 

And with some help from the Batman...

It's now a basket full of fluffy clouds...

And of course, we don't stop there... This week, I got a small ouessant fleece at spinning group. After washing it (it was dirty!!!), it's now hanging out to dry, ready for carding (or maybe combing, haven't decided on that yet)... And I've a fleece coming my way in a few weeks time at the Farm & Country fair...
Enough to keep our wheels turning!!!


Annita said…
Mooie kleurtjes!!
En ja, de tour de fleece, daar heb ik ook weer zin in.
Anonymous said…
Wauw, je hebt goed getraind voor de Tour de Fleece. Mooi allemaal hoor.

Ik doe niet mee, spinnen is niet zo mijn ding geloof ik.....
MoniqueB. said…
Ik heb het gevoeld; inderdaad ERG zacht. Ik ben stiekum een beetje verliefd op de streng in je logo; dat zachte blauw met dat prachtige bruin...

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