We made it to Paris, off to London now!

Just in time for the Olympics to start, a blog about the final stage of the Tour de Fleece. I had a blast, it was a great stress reliever to get some spinning done in the evening after a hard and long day's work. So, without ado, my newly acquired knitting stash: I spun lots of naturals this year, which was great fun. It has resulted in enough yarn to knit a small Celtic or Shetland patterned blanket. Still thinking about how and what. The other skeins are now just lying in my yarn basket, being pretty. The silk is 3/4 done. And it will remain that way for a few weeks. I've spent this afternoon (what was left of it after finishing my final project and the VAT returns) to pick projects for the Ravellenic Games aka Raveoly aka Spoldemort aka The Olympic Games. USOC, we have forgiven you (we knitters never hold a grudge for long), you apologized , but we will continue to enjoy making comments at how silly you guys behave . In a way that won't result in a Cease and D...