New laptop

I have one! Yes, a new laptop. With a keyboard on which all the keys actually work! I still have to get used to it, because it types differently and jumps to different locations when I don't want it to, but I remember I had the same with my other laptop, but once I got the hang of using it, it was okay. I did, however, had to call a mechanic out to connect it to our network. For some reason, on my old laptop the network key was not being displayed properly, so I had no way of transfering it over. Anyway, it was sorted in 10 minutes, so now I'm up and running. No piccies of finished Mystic Lights here, although I am neeeeeeeaaarly done. I'm trying to get it finished tonight, block it tomorrow and take it to Monique on Thursday, so we can put them side by side. One thing of getting a new laptop is that you have to transfer a lot of things. Email settings, internet settings, favorites, and files. Lots of files. I also copied all my photos, and got a bit sentimental when I saw...