Post Tour

The Tour de Fleece is behind us, and even though I am taking a small break from spinning, I couldn'n not ply this yarn up... It was just shouting out at me. So here's the French sheep, n-ply, around 230-ish meters in sock-yarn thickness. I love the way that the variegated colours all blend together when you ply it. It ended up as a nice mixed up brown, with silky white and burnt omber highlights and nearly black lowlights. Now the hunt is on for a nice pattern for this lovely soft yarn... Wood, merino, soy silk, diamond bamboo, 100 grams, De Spinners And being a true perfectionist, just buying a new box for my spinnings wasn't enough, I had to properly label them as well... There's still plenty of room in the box for more! Not tonight though, I'm knitting...